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pisces & pisces Compatibility

Plus sign
  • Overall 94%
  • Love 97%
  • Sex 95%
  • Family 95%
  • Friendship 89%

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pisces and pisces Compatibility

Mutual admiration ahead

Positive characteristics of a partner

  • sensual
  • selfless
  • attentive
  • flirtatious
  • dreamy
  • sincere

Negative characteristics of a partner

  • moody
  • unsure
  • confused
  • hesitant
  • insecure
  • aloof


This relationship is characterized by your mutual desire, openness, and sweet love for one another.

You both are carried through life by your deepest longings and will find that if you can create a strong foundation for your partnership, you can achieve even your loftiest dreams together!

Light bulb


Pisces and Pisces together make for a beautiful combination. The matching energy levels of these two signs have the chance for great spiritual growth, connection, and romance when together. Neither one is willing to take the lead, therefore control issues or possessiveness will not be a problem for this relationship. However, there will be a tendency for one to wait for the other one to make a move. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and Neptune, the planet of fantasy. These planets create an intensely open and boundless dynamic. Pisces wants to merge together with all that is, and with Pisces in relationship with another Pisces, the relationship will feel like just that.

Values for pisces and pisces

This sign's symbol is two fish swimming in opposite directions and with double Pisces like-mindedness, there can be some real confusion of which direction this pair is heading in. They both value being useful and helpful to others and therefore will be eager to give each other love and care. Their water element makes them able to be empathic and compassionate toward the needs of others creating a lot of room for support and the ability to truly listen to each other in times of need. With Neptune as a ruling planet, Pisces is often drawn to the arts, music, film, and photography and these two will have a lot in common in this regard, while also inspiring each other's creative pursuits and endeavors. However, as both of these signs like to live as artists in society and really hate to operate within the social structures available, they may find it difficult for both of them to pursue their passions at the same time. Issues with resources and finances may be a problem as neither is covering the practical needs of the day today.

pisces and pisces Love Compatibility

Romantic relations of two Pisces' personalities are characterized by an active exchange on a physical and emotional level. They reflect each other's traits and peculiar features as a mirror, and this makes their love look like a dance with an elegant shadow. Two Pisces individuals understand and respect each other, keeping distance when it is necessary and giving support when the partner needs it. Their relationships often remain platonic, but if sex happens, it can be really wonderful, as these two personalities are able to perceive each other's desires without words. They often become drawn to each other by the watery emotional depth of their characters. This can create an intimate and very private bond between the two. Sex will be loving, soft, and receptive with each partner giving attentiveness and care to the other's pleasure and sexual experience. The Neptunian influence of spirituality will also urge Pisces individuals together to explore the spiritual dimension of each other's sexuality and unlock the mystery of each other's inner passions.

Modality & Polarity

Modality: Mutable-Mutable

Pisces can accept things as they are and shape-shift to accommodate the circumstances. Things don't always go according to plan, but Pisces has the ability to handle complications.

Polarity: Feminine-Feminine

Pisces are introverts. They do best by themselves or in small groups. Also, they prefer a small circle of friends.


Emotions and compassion are what drives these two. Their gut and intuition are what lead them. However, a lack of persistence and stability can become a problem.

Pictogram of two hands holding a heart that has two puzzle pieces missing

Shared activities

Two Pisces as a couple is never boring. They will unquestionably have a lot of fun together. Two Pisces as a couple is never boring. Their relationship will be pleasing to all their senses, and they will spend many romantic nights, and days in each other's arms just daydreaming and fantasizing.

pisces and pisces Marriage Compatibility

When two Pisceans join forces in marriage, it's a union of sensitivity and intuition. The Pisces and Pisces marriage compatibility is high, given their shared values of compassion and understanding. A Pisces-Pisces union is one where both partners continually nurture and support each other emotionally. The Pisces and Pisces compatibility for marriage is centered around their mutual empathy and emotional understanding. Their shared intuition can result in a deep and emotionally fulfilling relationship. As two signs ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions, they possess an almost telepathic understanding of each other. Compatibility in marriage between two Pisceans is about harmonizing empathy with intuition. With open communication and mutual respect, this union can become a deeply connected partnership rich in emotional understanding and mutual support. Together, they form a safe haven for each other, protecting and nurturing each other through life's storms. When two Pisceans join forces in marriage, it's like two souls merging in a world of dreams and intuitive understanding. They understand each other's need for emotional support and create a loving environment where feelings are respected and cherished. Their shared dreamy disposition and creative minds make them a deeply compatible pair.

Pisces and Pisces Compatibility: Pros and Cons


  • Deep Emotional Connection: Both Pisces partners have a natural ability to connect on an emotional level, fostering a deep and intimate bond.
  • Intuitive Understanding: Their shared intuitive nature allows them to understand each other’s thoughts, feelings, and needs without explicit communication.
  • Spiritual Connection: Pisces individuals share a spiritual inclination, creating a strong sense of shared beliefs and values.
  • Nurturing and Supportive: They provide each other with emotional support, creating a safe and nurturing environment for personal growth.


  • Indecisiveness: Pisces individuals can struggle with decision-making, which may lead to challenges when it comes to making practical choices.
  • Over-Sensitivity: Their highly sensitive nature can sometimes result in emotional turbulence, leading to mood swings and heightened emotions.
  • Lack of Grounding: Pisces individuals may struggle with grounding themselves in reality, which can affect their ability to address practical responsibilities.
  • Codependency: Due to their deep emotional connection, Pisces partners may become overly dependent on each other, potentially hindering individual growth and independence.

Pisces and Pisces Friendship Compatibility)

The friendship between two Pisces individuals is marked by a deep understanding and emotional connection. They share a natural empathy and compassion for each other’s experiences, making them reliable and supportive friends. They can engage in deep and meaningful conversations, exploring their dreams, aspirations, and the mysteries of life. Both Pisces friends are imaginative and creative, often collaborating on artistic endeavors or pursuing shared interests. They provide a safe space for each other to express their emotions and seek solace during challenging times. However, they may also struggle with boundaries and decision-making, as their empathetic nature can lead to confusion.

Communication Compatibility

When it comes to communication, Pisces individuals share a unique and intuitive connection. They understand each other’s emotions without the need for explicit words, often communicating through subtle gestures, glances, and unspoken understanding. Their conversations are filled with depth and emotional resonance, delving into the realms of dreams, spirituality, and the mystical. They can spend hours discussing their innermost thoughts and feelings, creating a safe and non-judgmental space for expression. However, their tendency towards idealism and sensitivity can also lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings. Their empathetic nature may make them hesitant to address conflicts directly, leading to passive-aggressive behavior.

Life Compatibility for Pisces and Pisces

When it comes to life compatibility, two Pisces individuals share a deep understanding and empathy that allows them to navigate life’s ups and downs together. They have a profound connection that extends beyond the material world, as they both possess a spiritual and intuitive nature. They support each other’s dreams, encouraging personal growth and exploration. They find solace and comfort in each other’s presence, creating a harmonious and nurturing home environment. However, their shared sensitivity and emotional depth can sometimes make them susceptible to mood swings and emotional turbulence. They need to establish healthy boundaries and maintain open communication to ensure a balanced and stable life together.

Moon And Rising Sign Compatibility

When considering the compatibility of Moon and Rising signs, the combination of two Pisces individuals creates a harmonious and synergistic energy. Their shared emotional depth and intuitive nature allow them to understand each other’s needs and emotions on a profound level. They provide emotional support and security for one another, creating a deep sense of belonging. Both partners value emotional connections and seek to foster a nurturing and empathetic environment. Their intuitive understanding extends to their rising signs as well, enhancing their compatibility and mutual understanding.


Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatiblity

The compatibility between a Pisces man and a Pisces woman is a beautifully sensitive and dreamy union. With their intuitive and empathetic nature, they understand each other on a deep emotional level. Both are inclined towards creativity, spirituality, and the exploration of the mystical realms. Their connection is built upon compassion, romance, and a shared understanding of the profound emotions that flow through their souls. They are capable of creating a nurturing and supportive environment where their dreams and fantasies can flourish. However, their sensitive nature may also lead to emotional highs and lows. Overall, the compatibility between a Pisces man and a Pisces woman is high.

Pisces and Pisces Compatibility Chart

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Pisces and Pisces are highly compatible signs. They share a deep emotional connection, intuitive understanding, and a spiritual bond that can foster a harmonious relationship.

  • Pisces individuals are compassionate, empathetic, and highly sensitive. They possess a strong imagination, creativity, and a profound emotional depth. They are intuitive, introspective, and have a natural inclination towards spirituality and the arts. Both Pisces partners value emotional connections and seek a deep sense of emotional fulfillment in their relationships.

  • One potential challenge in a Pisces and Pisces relationship is a tendency towards indecisiveness. Both partners may struggle with making firm decisions, which can lead to a lack of direction or difficulty in taking action. Additionally, their sensitive nature can make them vulnerable to emotional overwhelm or over-sensitivity, requiring them to maintain open communication and understanding.

  • To maintain a healthy and happy relationship, Pisces individuals should prioritize open and honest communication. They should create a safe space for emotional expression and actively listen to each other’s needs and concerns. Establishing boundaries and finding balance between independence and togetherness is essential. Engaging in creative activities together can also deepen their connection.

  • Some famous Pisces and Pisces couples include Jensen Ackles and Danneel Ackles, Kate Mara and Jamie Bell, and Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz. Although celebrity relationships should not be taken as an indicator of universal compatibility, these examples demonstrate that when two Pisces individuals come together, they can create a deep and harmonious connection based on emotional understanding and shared sensitivity.
