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libra & libra Compatibility

Plus sign
  • Overall 87%
  • Love 90%
  • Sex 88%
  • Family 88%
  • Friendship 80%

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libra and libra Compatibility

A refined couple

Positive characteristics of a partner

  • sweet
  • refined
  • generous
  • social
  • friendly
  • creative

Negative characteristics of a partner

  • jealous
  • unsure
  • hesitant
  • indecisive
  • perfectionist
  • particular


In this relationship you know how to impress and outdo each other!

The interest can wear off easily though, if you aren't constantly checking in with each other about the deeper emotional things.

Light bulb


Venus, the planet of love and relationships rules Libra, a partnership with these two would be full of love with leftovers to spare. They both have an understanding of tasteful behavior, and they fit together because they do not cross boundaries and are well-matched in sexual expression. When these two date, it might be difficult for them to find a purpose of contact, as they're alike and share the same mission and goals. If they do find a meeting point, they have a tendency to become a perfectly balanced couple.

Values for libra and libra

These partners value dedication, a spiritual approach, finesse and moderate choices that will not be judged by those around them. As they are both air signs their mental compatibility will allow them to understand each other's needs and talk about anything regarding their sex life. But their shared lack of confidence might make them judge each other in a way that they wouldn't judge a different partner. Libra values beauty, balance, and living a life that is organized and pleasant overall. Therefore, two Libras will make great strides together to create the exact life they envision for themselves. However, their Venus ruling planet does have a tendency to make them appreciate rest and relaxation quite a bit so they may be caught enjoying and indulging more than working, especially with two Libras together!

libra and libra Love Compatibility

They tend to size each other up and perceive the other's flaws. However, since they're identical, they wouldn't know how to correct each other. Both partners' outgoing nature and glamorous persona give them a boost: they would be satisfied with a life oriented towards social events and worldly pleasures. Hence they tend to love each other without emotional displays and unfaithfulness is entirely possible. Their archetype is associated with the 7th house on the zodiac, which symbolizes partnership, marriage, and legal agreements. Therefore, this couple tends to figure out their commitment status early on in the relationship. They see the world through each other's eyes, don't tend to get jealous, and love being in love. The sign of the scales is seemingly always seeking out a relationship and when two Libras find each other they are able to fulfill each other completely in this regard. Sex for them is amazing as their energies are so well matched. Their desire will be similar as is their sex drive. Air signs will communicate well in bed and with Venus as a ruling planet make sure each one is experiencing pleasure to the fullest.

Modality & Polarity

Modality: Cardinal-Cardinal

Libras are able to create new things out of thin air. That is the talent they have because of being a cardinal sign. They are always moving on to the next project, but often struggle to finish everything they start.

Polarity: Masculine-Masculine

They are fun and outgoing, so they recharge from being around large groups of people. Libras have amazing communications skills.


Both use external energy and love being in big crowds. Problems will be analyzed and solved because both do well with analytics. However, connection on an emotional level might be more of a challenge.

Pictogram of two hands holding a heart that has two puzzle pieces missing

Shared activities

Always side by side they will go to all elegant and fancy events. Two Libras have a great understanding of tasteful behavior. They will like to show off, motivated to show the world how in love they are and how great they look. Always side by side they will go to all elegant and fancy events.

libra and libra Marriage Compatibility

When two Libras come together, harmony and balance naturally abound. The Libra and Libra marriage compatibility is defined by their shared love of beauty, peace, and fairness. Each can understand the other’s need for harmony and their appreciation for the finer things in life. They share a love for the arts and social gatherings, always finding joy in engaging in life's pleasantries together. Their mutual love for balance often translates into a well-organized life filled with equal parts adventure and tranquility. The Libra and Libra compatibility for marriage is quite high, as they innately understand each other's need for balance and diplomacy. This mutual understanding helps them to avoid misunderstandings and promotes peaceful coexistence. They intuitively know how to communicate with each other, often able to resolve any potential disputes diplomatically and fairly. Their similar approach to conflict resolution helps maintain harmony, ensuring their home is always a peaceful haven. Their compatibility in marriage is about bringing together two individuals who desire equilibrium and harmony above all. It's a partnership where both parties understand the importance of compromise and are willing to maintain the balance they both crave. They'll often find themselves perfectly in sync, creating a marriage full of mutual respect and shared values.

Libra and Libra Compatibility: Pros and Cons


  • Harmonious Partnership: Libras have a natural inclination towards balance and harmony, making their relationship peaceful and free of unnecessary conflicts.
  • Shared Values: Both partners share similar values and appreciate fairness, justice, and equality, which strengthens their bond and understanding of each other.
  • Intellectual Stimulation: Libras are intellectually inclined and enjoy engaging in deep conversations, stimulating each other’s minds and fostering a strong mental connection.
  • Social Compatibility: Libras are social butterflies who enjoy socializing and attending social events together, enriching their relationship with shared experiences and connections.


  • Indecisiveness: Both partners may struggle with decision-making due to their desire to consider all perspectives and please everyone, which can lead to delays and indecisiveness.
  • Avoidance of Conflict: Libras tend to avoid conflict and may shy away from addressing issues directly, which can result in unresolved tensions within the relationship.
  • Superficiality: The focus on appearances and the desire for a perfect image may sometimes overshadow deeper emotional connections, leading to a lack of emotional intimacy.
  • People-Pleasing Tendencies: Libras’ inclination to please others may result in sacrificing their own needs and desires, potentially leading to unbalanced dynamics in the relationship.

Libra and Libra Friendship Compatibility

In terms of friendship compatibility, Libra and Libra have the potential to develop a strong and lasting bond. They share common interests, intellectual conversations, and a love for socializing. As friends, they appreciate each other’s diplomatic nature and ability to maintain harmony within a group. They enjoy engaging in cultural activities, exploring new places, and experiencing the finer things in life together. However, their indecisiveness and occasional lack of assertiveness may lead to difficulties in making plans or taking the lead. Nonetheless, their friendship compatibility is generally high.

Communication Compatibility

When it comes to communication, Libra and Libra share a natural understanding and an effortless flow of conversation. Both partners have a gift for diplomacy and possess excellent interpersonal skills. They engage in intellectual discussions, share their perspectives, and appreciate the power of effective communication. Their ability to listen and understand each other’s viewpoints creates an atmosphere of harmony and cooperation. However, their desire to avoid conflict may sometimes result in avoiding important discussions or sugar-coating their opinions. Despite this, their communication compatibility is quite high.

Life Compatibility for Libra and Libra

In terms of life compatibility, Libra and Libra share a common vision for an aesthetically pleasing and balanced life. They both appreciate the finer things in life, seek harmony in their surroundings, and value social connections. They enjoy engaging in cultural activities, art, and intellectual pursuits together. Their shared love for beauty and refinement creates a harmonious and enjoyable environment in which they can thrive. However, their indecisiveness may occasionally hinder their ability to make practical choices or take decisive action.

Moon And Rising Sign Compatibility

When it comes to Moon and Rising sign compatibility, Libra and Libra share a deep understanding and emotional connection. Their similar emotional needs and values align, promoting a sense of harmony and empathy in their relationship. They understand each other’s emotional complexities and have an innate ability to provide support and comfort. Their shared appreciation for beauty and balance creates a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing home environment. Their Moon and Rising sign compatibility is quite strong.


Libra Man and Libra Woman Compatiblity

When a Libra man and a Libra woman join forces, their compatibility is marked by a natural sense of harmony and understanding. Both individuals value fairness, peace, and cooperation, which creates a strong foundation for their relationship. They share a love for beauty, art, and intellectual pursuits, leading to engaging conversations and shared interests. Their diplomacy and ability to see multiple perspectives help them navigate conflicts with grace and find compromises. However, their indecisiveness and desire for balance may sometimes prolong decision-making processes. The level of compatibility between a Libra man and a Libra woman is high.

Libra and Libra Compatibility Chart

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, Libra and Libra are considered compatible signs. As both partners share the same zodiac sign, they have a natural understanding and appreciation for each other’s qualities, values, and desires.

  • Libra individuals are known for their charm, diplomacy, and love for harmony. When two Libras come together, they bring a sense of balance, fairness, and a desire for peace in their relationship. They appreciate beauty, art, and intellectual pursuits, and often have a strong sense of justice and equality.

  • One potential challenge in a Libra and Libra relationship is the tendency to avoid conflict and decision-making. Both partners may struggle with making choices, leading to indecisiveness and stagnation. Additionally, their desire for perfection and external validation can sometimes lead to unrealistic expectations and a focus on appearances rather than deeper emotional connection.

  • To maintain a healthy and happy relationship, Libra partners should focus on open and honest communication. They should express their needs and concerns openly, while also practicing active listening and empathy. Finding a balance between compromise and individuality is crucial. Creating a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing environment can also enhance their relationship satisfaction.

  • One famous Libra and Libra couple are Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, Bradley Whitford and Amy Landecker, and Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff. Their relationship demonstrates the compatibility of these signs through their shared values, commitment to balance, and support for each other’s personal growth.
